Black Movies, American Lives
Melvin Bray & Gareth Higgins

We'd love to show you a different vision of American heroes, dreams, beauty, work ethic, and possibilities.  Until recently, much if not most of the representation of Black people on screen has focused on Black people struggling or suffering, or causing suffering to others, or - the crumbs from table - getting to be the sidekick to a white guy.


With notable exceptions, American movies have distorted the picture of Black life. Not only does this suppress our imaginations, and deceive people into feeling more alone than we actually are - the false representation of an entire population as difficult or "other" helps maintain unjust social hierarchies. We miss the benefit of a rainbow nation.


As the US begins to face its divisions, and awakens to possibility, let's learn together about Black reality through the cinematic dream life. During this awakening moment, hearing each other's stories expands the limits of what we think is possible. The course syllabus, including the films we'll watch together, is below.

Course Syllabus

In Consideration of American Heroes... HARRIET*, MALCOLM X and Episode One of They've Gotta Have Us
We explore the depictions of two historic figures without whom the promise of America would ring hollow to many, if not most, Black people.


In Consideration of American Dreams… BOYZ N THE HOOD and QUEEN & SLIM
We explore two stories of dreams deferred for Black Americans, a reality so persistent as to feel almost inescapable even in Black filmmakers' dreams.


In Consideration of American Beauty... MOONLIGHT and MIDDLE OF NOWHERE
We explore the power of visual representation and what happens when those behind the lens truly love Blackness.


In Consideration of the American Work Ethic... LOVE & BASKETBALL and HOLLYWOOD SHUFFLE
We explore the labor of love so common to Black filmmaking that it finds itself a recurrent theme in front of the camera as well.


In Consideration of American Possibilities...  SORRY TO BOTHER YOU and SEE YOU YESTERDAY
We explore the work of Afro(American)futurism and the desire to tell fantastic stories neither constrained by nor disconnected from the past and present.


*Films will be watched online on various streaming platforms (Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, Criterion Channel and others). Where available, we will provide links to at least three options for watching. Cost will be between $2.99 to $5.99 per film; and if free versions are legally available, we will also provide a link to that version. Links are at the bottom of this page. 




1: Episode One of They've Gotta Have Us, available exclusively on Netflix (if you are not currently a subscriber, you can get your first month free and cancel at any time):


2: Harriet, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:

3: Malcolm X, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:


4: Boyz n the Hood, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:


5: Queen & Slim, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options: 


6: Moonlight, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:​


7: Middle of Nowhere, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:​


8: Love & Basketball, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:​


9: Hollywood Shuffle, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:​


10: Sorry to Bother You, available to rent from a range of services - click here for options:​


11: See You Yesterday, available exclusively on Netflix (if you are not currently a subscriber, you can get your first month free and cancel at any time):​